Well-Being Resets: Morning Ritual Tips {Video}

Well-being morning rituals and reset practices change your energy, day and stress level. They do so for me.

This is not new knowledge. Ancient and indigenous cultures embedded some of these practices into their daily living in conscious and unconscious ways.

My morning routine has some daily rituals, and some practices I do a few times a week. The morning resets I do come from several practices that call to me. The practice either energizes, opens or calms my wiring… my body, heart, mind or spirit in some way.

Some of my red flag reset nudges are when my mind feels foggy or chaotic, or my body feels tight or constricted. My practices and morning routine may be longer then, as I consider my energy and time management. I ask myself, “what do I need now to be a better functioning human today.”

Susan, sharing from Bend of Ivy’s koi pond. {Video}

By need, I mean I sense into what in me needs some extra TLC… my body, heart, mind or spirit. Signs for me, and most, are what feels tight, constricted.

My favorite regular morning reset practices that I choose from include nature walks, breathe work, qigong (arm swings especially), meditation, kundalini and yoga. Daily, even brief some days, are: walks, gratitude journaling, breath work and qigong arm swings.

Getting started? Pick one practice to do, or two. Keep it simple.

What morning practices do you do? What resets you …your body, mind, heart?

Take a step and start.

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Few spots open. A transformational Enneagram & Qigong Well-being retreat experience. September 15-18: Immersive Well-Being Retreat: The Enneagram Wayfinder, Nature & Qigong